الصفحه الحاليه: الصفحة الرئيسية >خبراتنا

Our Values

Health & Safety:

Health and Safety is a top priority at SML and we continue to develop new ways to sharpen our focus in this area. We promote occupational health and safety to our employees regardless of their duties or positions. We comply with the requirements of Health & Safety at work. We familiarize our stakeholders with the design and instructions of company equipment for safe operation and handling. SML has procedures for safe handling, transport, storage, use and planned maintenance of measuring equipment to ensure proper functioning and in order to prevent contamination or deterioration.


SML realizes that the workforce should only focus on performing their duties with integrity and in a professional manner. Hence, we have made arrangements to ensure that the workforce, including management and personnel, are free from any undue internal and external commercial, financial and other pressures and influences that may adversely affect the quality of their work.


We believe that customers are at the heart of all successful businesses. We understand that protecting the interests of our customers is one of our main duties. Based on this, we have set policies and procedures that ensure the protection of our customers’ confidential information and proprietary rights, including procedures for protecting the electronic storage and transmission of results.